August 22, 2013

Catch-up & Drinks to Die For

Sorry for the radio silence this week, I took an impromtu escape trip to Maryland for a few days.  It was exactly what I needed!  Even though I love NYC, anyone who lives here will tell you that it's always nice to get out for a little while - particularly in August.  I spent the week making big dinners and margaritas, playing cards against humanity with friends, and catching an Orioles game!

Full disclosure: this was taken after we moved into the better seats towards the end of the game

Now that we're back in action, here's something interesting going on in the city today:

Drinks to Die For

Cue the organ music.  Image via

The Brooklyn Historical Society has been hosting this somewhat macabre happy hour in Greenwood Cemetery all summer, and tonight is the last night!  From 6 to 8pm, you can grab a $5 beer from Brooklyn Brewery and enjoy some live music in Brooklyn's massive cemetery park.

Unfortunately I can't make it out there tonight, but if you do, please leave your thoughts on what it's like to drink and dance with hundreds of years of New York's deceased.

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