September 25, 2013


One of my favourite websites is  If you aren't familiar with it, it's a wonderful mix of your basic beauty, fashion, and decor lifestyle features, but also profiles successful women, provides a platform for women to share their own stories, and creates helpful practical guides to everything from budgeting to declining a job interview.

Every time they interview an impressive woman, they ask the same question:  What advice would you give your 23-year-old self?  As a 23 year old woman trying to create my own life, I always scroll down to this question before I read the rest of the profile.  It is as comforting and inspiring as if Amy of the future was able to pop back in time and reassure me that it will all be alright in the end, by giving me some little nugget of wisdom for today.

I'm not alone in my devoted following of this feature.  It has been so popular that the website has launched a new series, called "heard on the Everygirl," which features just the answers they've gotten to this question.  The image above was the first, and is my favourite from that series.  I have it as my phone's background, as well as printed out and stuck in the back of my journal.  Whenever I'm feeling discouraged or pushed around, I sneak a peek at it and ask myself if I'm doing the right thing, or if I'm settling.  It gives me the confidence and motivation that I need to face the world on those days when I just want to pull on a fuzzy sweatshirt and not leave the couch.

Do you have a mantra?  What makes you feel like you could jump up and take on the world?

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