October 23, 2013

Halloween is awesome. Let's make it better.

Let's have a quick chat about Halloween.  It's the best.  Do we all agree?  Yes.

Good talk.

There's just one thing.  Ladies, your costumes.  If the costume you have in mind this year comes in a zippered plastic bag and has a name like "Sexy [Noun]," I'm talking to you.

You don't need me to tell you all of the reasons why these costumes are the worst.  Your parents, and maybe even your grandparents, are on Facebook by now, and they don't want to see their little girl out in polite society looking like this:

Seriously, what am I even supposed to do with this?  The one on the left is supposed to be Jane Jetson.  It hurts me.

I understand what you're going for - you want to look good, because you want to attract some attention.  The norm for costumes has been that you have to show most of your flesh, and so in order to get the most attention, you want to show the most flesh.  The whole thing escalates until someone shows up naked and says they're Robin Thicke's backup dancer.

So today I'm going to let you in on a little secret.  You're going to enjoy your night the most if you're warm and comfortable, but you can still look good.  In fact (although you don't really need the approval of randos at parties, I think you're great just as you are) slutty Halloween costumes are at this point so much the norm that you're actually likely to turn more heads if you aren't showing as much skin as you can without being arrested.

Over the next week, leading up to the big day, I'm going to be sharing some fun, cute, and easy Halloween costumes that you can throw together even at the last minute.  This October 31st, I want more women heading out to their parties and parades armed with a great costume and their self-respect firmly intact!


  1. Wish more people would think like you do. And I read the comments between you and KJ from Lindsey's article. You were very kind. Sorry KJ, I do think that having to parade around, showing off all you have, can be a sign of self-respect issues. Not saying everyone, but...

    And it does hurt and offend others. Tell that it doesn't hurt anyone to the mom of a young son who catches you in your skivvies and not much else. Or your grandpa. Or your kids one day.

    Enjoy your Halloween!

    1. My parents and grandparents have seen me naked. They've changed my diapers, even. Why would my body offend them? They want me to have kids some day, so the idea of me having a naked body and having sex with it isn't exactly a new concept to them. And let's face it - It's going to be the same when I have kids of my own. I'm going to teach them that there's nothing inherently shameful about their bodies. If they want to show it off, then they'll be allowed to control that decision for themselves.

      Seriously, if you think that being sexual is a sign of not respecting yourself, then you are clearly the one who has issues here. Don't pass the blame onto someone else who is comfortable in their own skin.
