September 27, 2013

Advance, Australians!

Recently, when bopping around the internet, I stumbled over, a global network for Australians abroad.  It is the brainchild of a few notable Aussies, who recognised the mass exodus of Australians wanting explore the world, and the need for a community to keep those people connected to home.

Anything that makes me feel closer to this is welcome in my life.  
Image via

It's a nice idea, giving those of us experiencing homesickness to make some friends and professional connections with similar accents, but it's also a strategic idea - all of those travellers amount to a bit of an Australian brain drain.  Getting expats more engaged with their country while abroad could encourage them to eventually come home.

After reading through the member postcards - short Q&A bios of members all over the world - I was eager to get involved.  Being in the company of so many interesting and successful Australians is an exciting and humbling idea.  If you're an Australian - overseas or at home - or just someone with an interest in Australian life and Australian innovators, it's well worth checking out.

You can read my member profile here.

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