October 03, 2013

What I should be doing, and what I'm really doing

I keep telling myself that I'm going to write some great new histories soon, but my life keeps getting in the way.  So, while you're not yet getting the kickass story of the White Mouse, you're at least getting some excuses for my failure to deliver.

This week I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but I'm also moving in to a new apartment.  Which means that while I am forcing myself to do a bit of this:

There's also quite a bit of this going on:

I'm also supremely distracted by the task furnishing and decorating my new bedroom.  I'm going to be living with my room mate from college, which is great not only because we love living together, but also because she kept a lot of her/our/my stuff in her Brooklyn apartment this past year while I was living at home.  So, while I will have to fill a bedroom from scratch (all of my old bedding and things are in my parents' house in New Jersey) we won't actually have that much to buy in terms of common furniture, kitchenware, appliances, and the like.

Here's what is inspiring my bedroom planning at the moment:

New bedroom inspiration

For names, manufacturers, and prices of everything you see, click here.

In short, the present has absolutely taken precedence over the past this week.  Other than the past in my paper, that is -- that's pretty interesting, and there will be more on it when I get my act together.

Images: my instagram, shopping, orangeye, polyvore

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