I wore this costume to a sorority Halloween party in college. I can't take any credit for it at all -- I was completely lacking inspiration and my room mate -- the queen of costuming -- suggested this. It was pretty easy, 100% recognisable, and so much fun!
I bought the skirt for this costume, but everything else we already had in the apartment. My roommate, in a genius move befitting the title of costume queen, cut up an old blue t-shirt and pinned it around the collar of one of my short-sleeve blouses, giving me her blue collar. We pinned a red bow to my chest, tied up my still-long blonde hair in buns and pigtails, and the whole thing looked remarkably awesome.
Sailor Moon wears red knee-high boots -- if you don't have those, like I didn't, you can totally get away with any tall boots. I wore over-the-knee brown boots with red tights, which had the same effect with the added benefit of being a little warmer.
Here's what you need:
-- A blue skirt. I bought this one from Forever 21 for under 15 bucks.
-- A white shirt, preferably one with a collar.
-- Some blue cloth, which you can cut to shape and pin to the collar of your blouse.
-- A red bow. This one on etsy is actually intended for this costume, but honestly you could just find some ribbon and tie your own.
-- Some elbow-length white gloves. You can find these at Party City without much hassle.
It takes a little assembling to get the collar on your shirt just right, but this is still a really easy costume. Plus, if your friends loved Sailor Moon as much as mine did, you'll be the most popular girl of the night.
Have fun!
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